We cannot say enough great things about this breed. They come in sizes from micro to standard. 10 pounds to 80 pounds, it doesn't matter if you like tiny, big, or in between. Goldendoodles are very smart dogs. Both the poodle and the golden retriever were originally hunting dogs. They were bred to go out and work for hours. They are also very eager to please their owners making them easier to train. With that being said, they are mid to high energy dogs. The best way to meet their requirements is to take them on 2 walks a day, or if you have a backyard let them run around and play multiple times a day.
You can find these guys living in apartments, in the city and running around on a farm. They are easily adaptable and just love to be with their families. They are sturdy enough to tag along with you and do whatever your doing. Whether it is hiking, swimming (these guys LOVE water) or snow, hanging out with family and friends, being adventurous, or at the end of the day just relaxing and watching TV. We offer F1 and F1b’s so they all are good for people that have allergies. They will need to be groomed about every 6-8 weeks.
Breed: F1b Mini Goldendoodle
Gender: female @Yoga 3-15-25
D.O.B. 1-6-25
Price: $1200
Details: March 3 Persimmon and Rudoph F1b we are expecting 20-30lbs very sweet and highly intelligent.
Breed: F1b Mini Goldendoodle
Gender: female @Yoga 3-15-25
D.O.B. 1-6-25
Price: $1200
Details: March 3 Persimmon and Rudoph F1b we are expecting 20-30lbs very sweet and highly intelligent.
Breed: F1b Mini Goldendoodle
Gender: female @Yoga 3-15-25
D.O.B. 1-6-25
Price: $1200
Details: March 3 Persimmon and Rudoph F1b we are expecting 20-30lbs very sweet and highly intelligent.
Breed: F1b Mini Goldendoodle
Gender: male @Yoga 3-15-25
D.O.B. 1-6-25
Price: $1200
Details: March 3 Persimmon and Rudoph F1b we are expecting 20-30lbs very sweet and highly intelligent.
Breed: F1b Mini Goldendoodle
Gender: female @Yoga 3-15-25
D.O.B. 1-6-25
Price: $1200
Details: March 3 Persimmon and Rudoph F1b we are expecting 20-30lbs very sweet and highly intelligent.
Golden Retrievers
The Golden Retriever, an exuberant Scottish gundog of great beauty, stands among America's most popular dog breeds. They are serious workers at hunting and field work, as guides for the blind, and in search-and-rescue, enjoy obedience and other competitive events, and have an endearing love of life when not at work. The Golden Retriever is a sturdy, muscular dog of medium size,60-80lbs on average famous for the dense, lustrous coat of gold and cream that gives the breed its name. The broad head, with its friendly and intelligent eyes, short ears, and straight muzzle, is a breed hallmark. In motion, Goldens move with a smooth, powerful gait, and the feathery tail is carried, as breed fanciers say, with a 'merry action.' Goldens are outgoing, trustworthy, and eager-to-please family dogs, and relatively easy to train. They take a joyous and playful approach to life and maintain this puppyish behavior into adulthood. These energetic, powerful gundogs enjoy outdoor play. For a breed built to retrieve waterfowl for hours on end, swimming and fetching are natural pastimes.
Sourced from AKC
Breed: Golden Retriever